by CJ Dugan, Senior VP of Business Development
There are countless incredibly detailed books all about ballistics. People spend their entire lives on the subject and still need to learn more. I was looking around on the good ole internet and ran across the Merriam-Webster definition of “ballistics.” It is defined as “Extremely and usually suddenly excited, upset, or angry” or “of or relating to the science of the motion of projectiles in flight.”
Interestingly, there are three sub-categories of ballistics – Internal, External, and Terminal – which can be generally categorized as follows:
- Internal: from the action of firing a cartridge and what happens until the projectile exits the barrel
- External: from the moment the projectile leaves the barrel until it impacts something
- Terminal: from the moment that the projectile impacts something until it comes to a complete stop

The picture above gives a graphic representation of these three sub-categories. The projectile does not naturally climb once it exits the barrel due to the natural laws of physics. The weapon manufacturer artificially sets it at either a 10 Minute of Angle or 20 Minute of Angle based on the weapon’s design and the ammunition being used. A “system of systems,” as we like to call them.
At First Breach, we understand that a lot goes into your weapons and ammunition. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that all of our ammunition components are match-grade quality to provide you with optimal ballistic performance, consistency, and reliability.